Saturday, September 13, 2008

Spider Web or Black Hole?

We're experiencing technical difficulties. That's the theme of the week for my photos. Some equipment problems (I still need to clean that sensor), some physical problems (my wrist tendinitis is acting up), I have a mountain of less-fun tasks that have to happen (paperwork & framing are just two) and there's always the time issue (just not enough of it, even when I forgo food, sleep & bathroom breaks).

But even with these challenges, I'm having tremendous fun with it all right now. Everything I see around me seems to either hold potential for a cool photo, or connects to someone else's art or poetry, or inspires ideas for new projects. At night I've been having dreams that I want to translate into photos. I've been listening to music that I want to portray visually. 

I'm finding that connection aspect so powerful right now. The kind of photography I play with, what I call abstracted reality, can be viewed and thought about on different levels. This is a spider web (found in an olive tree on a hillside in Spain).

Or is it a hurricane or perhaps a cosmic black hole. And really, from the moment I first saw it, mostly it was that metaphoric, symbolic black hole of the unknown and the scary places in my mind. In the past year, photography has felt much closer to poetry than it has to "picture making".

Uncovering and exposing my feelings and thoughts through the pictures has no limits other than the ones I impose (how visible do I really want to be)? And in the process of exploring and showing my own inside, I might touch someone else's inner thoughts and feelings as well. That's pretty cool. 

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