Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Metal Water Connection

Sometimes it's easier to show than to tell.
I've been enjoying the visual connections between metal and water.
The flow, the color, the reflection.

1. day 8: curving back home, 2. water flow, 3. day 8: metal flow, 4. day 6: water ribbon, 5. metal water, 6. looking over, 7. subway scratches, 8. noiseyblurlightline 1, 9. day 6: water blobs, 10. more water, 11. day 8: first look, 12. winter falls, 13. arc reflected


JimCS said...

Love the metal/water conjunctions. Glass too, it seems to me, has the same property of transforming light in shiny ways...

Sue Salem said...

Thanks Jim! As I was going through photos for this entry I found a number of glass abstracts that fit beautifully but I was on a metal water thread, so the glass will be for another day.

el loco oficial said...

I don't remember how I bumped into your flickr but I do know I like your work, your abstracts are just great... I've already added you as a contact and now I link you to my blog (I'm sorry it's mainly in Spanish).
Thanks for sharing your particular vision, which is, in a way, similar to mine, perhaps because I studied maths and also like abstract music and free jazz...