Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Swimming Through Life Like a Jellyfish

Sometimes photography for me is about getting lost in the moment and the subject more than the final product. In fact, it often is. Process not product is infinitely more satisfying usually.

I found myself staring at a tank of jellyfish this afternoon at a small natural history museum on Cape Cod. I was captivated and mesmerized. It was very low light and they were moving constantly so I didn't get a lot of good photos. But I did get a moment of peace where everything in my life dissolved away. I imagined what it would be like to move like this and decided I would try to move through life a little more like a jellyfish for awhile.


el loco oficial said...

For some days I've been tempted to write something about an idea that I've been chewing over... I got it from an essay on the history of aesthetics... "Formativity", a concept developed by Luigi Pareyson. It basicly states what you're talking about here, the relevance of the creation process itself rather than the final product. I reckon the different steps involved in the whole, the totality of taking a photograph to be, at least, as fruitful as the final picture.
Sorry for my English, It's been ages since last time I use this language more often.

Sue Salem said...
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Sue Salem said...

You're english is great -- much better than my spanish. I'm going to have to find more on "formativity". I love thinking & talking about this kind of thing... what does it mean to be an artist? Some days I have a difficult time tending to the business of my art, including making a final product, because what's pulling me is the process -- the excitement of being in creative space.